Saturday, July 9, 2011

Generations of Love

My friend Sue called yesterday.  Her grandmother's 80th birthday is coming up, and she had decided to make her a quilt.

Sue is in my quilt group.  I've loved everything she's ever done, so I was excited to see what she was bringing me.

My excitement was warranted.

Sue and her parents put together this beautiful little quilt.

What a wonderful labor of love.

The name of every child, grandchild and great grandchild is on this quilt.

I went back and forth between quilting designs and thread color.  I was tempted to use red thread, but I was afraid it would be too distracting in the letter blocks.  I settled on light yellow, and I chose an open quilting design so things wouldn't get too busy.

I learned a powerful lesson on this little quilt.

There's a reason you're supposed to save your work on the computer as you go.  Right before the last row, my program let me know it had encountered an error and had to shut down.


And it did.

Every time I open my computer it asks me if I want it to open the last project I was working on, so I figured it would be there waiting for me.

It wasn't.  It was gone.

Thankfully it happened at the end of a row and I knew how to recreate the project.  Whew.  That was a close one, and not too painful.

I'll remember to save things as I go from now on.

I liked the way this flower landed in the bottom corner.

I've recently seen a fabric advertised that looks like Scrabble pieces.  Each panel has x number of repeats of each letter.  It was really cute, but I wondered how many panels you'd have to buy to get the letters you need for a specific crossword.

Sue's idea of stenciling is a great alternative to buying a bunch of letters you may never use.

The yellow is so pretty on the black backing.

Thanks for sharing your lovely quilt, Sue. I know your grandmother is not only going to love it, she'll feel the love it represents from every member of her family.

I do.

1 comment:

  1. Really beautiful design. I made a child's quilt using fabric with the alphabet panels, spelling favorite toys, activities, etc. Yep,sometimes my original plan was changed a little because I didn't have a particular letter without buying another panel.
